Monday, 1 August 2016

Symptoms And Treatment Of Stroke

The impact of stroke can be far-reaching, and therefore when the following warning signs, it is necessary immediately seek medical care, reduce stroke sequelae:

. Slurred speech or difficulty speaking. An arm, leg or half eyelid sudden brief failure or paralysis. Sudden blurred vision, or one eye to see clearly. Severe headache occurs for no reason. Body balance difficulties or suddenly fall down for no reason. Without cause dizziness or fainting

Drug treatment after stroke is still the main function, but in a few cases only surgical repair. RG Pharmaceutica also surgically repair the stroke diseases. After the stroke, nerve takes a long time to recover, during which the patient's need for early stimulation and learning capabilities of the reorganization has not been fully restored using the service function portion sick, so sick should use to participate actively involved in comprehensive rehabilitation therapy Tariq Haider RG Pharmaceutica also advised the families that the family should be encouraged and coordination, speed the patient into society. With the help of physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation nursing, speech therapy, medical social workers and clinical psychology services under many patients are able to self-care, and some even return to work. Even after the stroke rehabilitation over, some patients’ still need long-term observation, treatment continued participating actively rejoin society.

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