The main symptoms of heart
attack and oppressive pain occurs within the chest after the sternum. The pain may be along side or
both sides of the arm extends to the neck, back, jaw or teeth may also be
accompanied by fatigue, aggravated breathing, dizziness, difficulty breathing
and fever and other symptoms. Pain similar to a heart attack
and angina pain produced, but more severe than angina, even taking
nitroglycerin does not work. Angina is not the case; it will
disappear within a few minutes. In addition, patients may also
occur during sleep of a heart attack, and angina is rarely the case.

Most heart attacks in immediate medical assistance
can be successfully treated. The sooner the treatment more effective, Tariq
Haider and her team also provided quick treatment to the heart patient
If the patient stops breathing, coughing,
activity, or stimulation (touch them or speak) no response, immediately
Resuscitation (CPR) performed life-saving
CPR including mouth to mouth Rengonghuxi twice
each, then 30 chest compressions to massage the heart.
If cardiac arrest (cardiac arrest), the medical
team will use a device called a defibrillator, trying to fight back the heart
Move. This means applying an electric shock
to the chest, the heart starts.
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